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Lake King is a small town situated 465km from Perth and 115km from the town of Lake Grace. It is a popular spot to stop for travellers to and from Esperance. As you travel east along the fascinating Lake King Causeway, you cross 10km of salt lakes studded with natural scrub and wildflowers. It is the longest road built across a salt lake in Western Australia.
The settlement of Lake King, Lake Camm, Varley and Mount Madden during 1928 was to be the start of a vast settlement scheme that extended to Salmon Gums and comprised 3400 farms. Unfortunately the settlement of the area occurred towards the end of the Great Settlement Scheme implemented by the State and Federal government and supported by the British government. Support was withdrawn and the land condemned for salinity. However, a group of settlers remained and the area is now a productive farming community. Lake King has a very attractive stone fronted Community Church and a tavern built locally from rammed earth with a motel nearby. Come along for a great family outing at Lake King Kart Club – you’ll need a WAKA license if you want to join in.
The Lake King Progress Association has worked to improve the community since 1930 and many of the facilities are created through their initiative. Drive down the Magdhaba Track to the Roe Hill Look-out through a conservation reserve of native fauna and flora. The Norseman Road from Lake King to the east passes through the Frank Hann National Park (61,420 hectares) at the eastern end of the shire boundary. Another magnificent tourist attraction on the eastern end of the Norseman Road is Peak Charles, which rises 480 metres above its surroundings.