RV Friendly Towns and Destinations


Visitor Information: Beacon Central, 11 Rowlands Street, Beacon (08) 9686 1014
Casual Parking: Lucas Street across road from Beacon Co-Op
Short & Long Term Parking: Beacon Caravan Park, Lucas Street, $12 per van/per night, unpowered $30 Powered, this includes use of ablution and kitchen facilities (08) 9686 1057
Dump Point & Potable Water: Beacon Caravan Park, Lucas Street


Visitor Information: Bencubbin Community Resource Centre (CRC), 283 Monger Street, Bencubbin (08) 9685 1007
Casual Parking: Monger Street, near CRC & Café
Short & Long Term Parking: Bencubbin Caravan Park, Koorda-Bullfinch Rd, (South entrance to town), $12 per van/per night, unpowered $30 Powered, this includes use of ablution and kitchen facilities. (08) 9685 1202
Dump Point & Potable Water: Bencubbin Caravan Park, Koorda-Bullfinch Rd


Visitor Information: Beverley Visitor Centre , 141 Vincent Street, (08) 9646 1600
Casual & Short Term Parking: Apex park, Cnr Vincent & Lukin Street (48hr)
Long Term Parking: Beverley Caravan Park, Council Road, $11 per van/per night, unpowered $33 Powere, this includes use of ablution and kitchen facilities (08) 9686 1057
Dump Point & Potable Water: Beverley Caravan Park, Council Road

Bruce Rock

Visitor Information: Bruce Rock Community Resource Centre, 55 Larke Crescent Phone (08) 9063 2778
Casual Parking: Walton St parking bay, near corner of Campbell St
Short Term Parking: Near old tennis courts. 59 Dunstal St 48hrs nil charge
Long Term Parking: NE end of Bruce Rock Sporting Complex
Dump Point & Potable Water: Dunstal St, Bruce Rock Caravan Park


Visitor Information: Corrigin Community Resource Centre, Johnson St, Phone (08) 9061 1377
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Johnson St
Short Term Parking: Walton St Parking Bay, 48hrs, nil charge
Dump Point: Walton St Parking Bay
Potable Water: O’Shea Place (Corrigin Recreational & Events Centre), 55 Larke Cres


Visitor Information: Dowerin Community Resource Centre, 13 Stewart Street, Phone (08) 9631 1662
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Stewart St
Short Term Parking: Short Term Accommodation Cnr East & Fraser Streets.
Long Term Parking: Minnivale campground (12km east of Dowerin) Free
Dump Point: Stewart St, Dowerin & Minnivale Campground (12km)
Potable Water: Redding Road


Visitor Information: Shire Administration Centre, 11 Gordon St, Phone (08) 9889 1006
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Jones St (opp town hall) up to 11m
Short & Long Term Parking: Town Hall parking area (24hr) 25 Jones St up to 11m
Dump Point & Potable Water: Kondinin Caravan Park, 32 Gordon St, Phone (08) 9889 1006


Visitor Information: Koorda Community Resource Centre, 41 Railway Street, (08) 9684 1081
Casual Parking: Railway St opp shops in main st
Short Term Parking: Memorial Hall car park Cnr Allenby & Birdwood St and the Swimming Pool car park Haig St. 24hr stay maximum $5 per night/per van fee payable to Shire of Koorda Office
Long Term Parking, Dump Point & Potable Water: Koorda Caravan Park, Scott Street


Visitor Information: Kulin Community Resource Centre, Johnson St, Phone (08) 9880 1204
Casual Parking: Johnston St, South Side
Short & Long Term Parking: 72hr, South end of Johnston St within Kulin’s Discovery Zone, behind the playground & public toilets; vehicle access avail opposite Memorial Hall
Dump Point & Potable Water: South end of Johnston St, located at public toilets

Lake Grace

Visitor Information: Lake Grace Visitors Centre, Stubbs Street (08) 9865 2140
Casual Parking: Stubbs St, near the old Lake Grace Railway Station
Short Term Parking: Lake Grace Caravan Park, Mather St & Dewar St, self contained, $5.00 pn, full amenities $30.00 pn, Phone: (08) 9865 1263
Dump Point: Sport Precinct, Stubbs St, Lake Grace
Potable Water: Lake Grace Caravan Park Mather St fees apply


Visitor Information: Cunderdin Museum, Forrest Street, Cunderdin (08) 9635 1291
Casual Parking: Gabbedy Place
Short Term Parking: 24hr, Meckering Memorial Park, Gabbedy Place, toilets, bins, pets on lead, water, nil cost
Dump Point & Potable Water: Gabbedy Place


Visitor Information: Central Wheatbelt Visitors Centre, 45 Barrack St (08) 9041 1666
Casual Parking: Barrack Street Car Park, Entrance through Apex Park and Barrack St & Queens Street intersection, Day parking only.
Short Term Parking: Merredin Peak Reserve, Entry at Benson & Watson Rds, 24hr, pets on a lead, no charge.
Dump Point: Merredin Tourist Park, 2 Oats St. Access to full circuit can be restricted if there is full occupancy at Tourist Park.
Potable Water: Central Wheatbelt Visitor Centre, 45 Barrack Street, 8.30am-4.30am weekdays.


Visitor Information: Shire Administration Centre, 15 Maddock St, Phone (08) 9047 1102
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Strugnell St, Shadbolt St
Short & Long Term Parking: Mukinbudin Caravan Park, 25 Cruickshank Rd, $20 per van/per night unpowered,$35 Powered, this includes use of ablution facilities.
Dump Point & Potable Water: Mukinbudin Caravan Park, 25 Cruickshank Rd, Phone (08) 9047 1103


Visitor Information: Narembeen Community Resource Centre, 19 Churchill Street, (08) 9064 7055
Casual Parking: Adjacent to Apex Park on Currell Street
Short & Long Term Parking: 72hr, Narembeen Caravan Park , 11 Currell St, self-contained vehicles, bins, toilets, covered seating, BBQ, water, pets on lead at all times and not permitted in cabins, mobile coverage, nil charge
Dump Point & Potable Water: Narembeen Caravan Park


Visitor Information: Nungarin Community Resource Centre, Railway Ave, Phone (08) 9046 5400
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Railway Ave
Short Term Parking: Nungarin Rest Area, Railway Ave
Long Term Parking: Shire Recreation Ground, $21 per van/per night unpowered, $27 per van/per night powered, booked and payable at Shire office
Dump Point & Potable Water: Nungarin Rest Area, Railway Ave


Visitor Information: Shire administration Centre, Jennaberring Rd, Phone (08) 9645 2400
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Heal St
Short Term Parking: Greater Sports Ground – Free RV parking for 24 hrs. Toapin Weir – free RV parking.
Long Term Parking: Several locations nearby, including the Quairading Caravan Park. Enquire at the Shire administration centre (08) 9645 2400 on Jennaberring Rd or the Quairading CRC (08) 9645 0096 on Parker St or visit www.quairading.wa.gov.au
Dump Point: Junction Rd, Quairading (East of public amenities block)
Potable Water: Available at Greater Sports Ground (McLennan St) and Toapin Weir.

Southern Cross

Visitor Information: Shire administration Centre, 23 Antares Street Phone: (08) 9049 1001
Casual Parking: In CBD, Antares St & Achernar St, Southern Cross
Short Term Parking: Old Information Bay, cnr Great Eastern Hwy & Three Boys Rd, W of Southern Cross, (24hr)
Dump Point& Potable Water: RV Service Facility, Achernar St & Sirius St, Southern Cross


Contact Information: Donnan Park Camping, 21 Donnan Street Tammin WA 6409, Phone: (08) 9637 0300
Short & Long term parking: Maximum stay of 72 hours, fees apply $10 power, $5 unpowered
Parking: mobile coverage, bins, toilets, water.
Dump Point: Caravan Park/Rec Centre Oval on Tammin Wyalkatchem Road.


Contact Information: Varley Chicken Ranch, Corner Seward & Pitt St, Varley
Parking: 24hr, covered seating, bins, toilets, BBQ, pets on lead, dump point
Cost: donation box on site


Contact Information: Visitor Information Centre, Wolfram Street, Phone (08) 9046 7063
Casual Parking: (near retail centre) Wolfram St
Short & Long Term Parking: St Lukes Church parking area, 69 Wolfram St, Westonia WA, (48hrs), bins, pets on lead OK
Dump Point: Cnr Westonia-Carrabin Rd & Boodarockin Rd, Westonia WA
Potable Water: Westonia Caravan Park, Wolfram Street