Granite Outcrops and Salt Lakes

Beringbooding Rock

Beringbooding Rock, located on the corners of Beringbooding Rd and Cunderin Rd 65km north east of Mukinbudin has the largest rock water catchment tank in Australia. It was built in 1937 and holds two and a quarter million gallons. “Sustenance Labour” was used to build the tank at a cost of 10,000 pounds. Beringbooding has an amazing balancing boulder, a huge gnamma hole and some of the Kalamaia Tribes paintings of hands in a cave at the rear of the rock. Two early pioneer wells are nearby. Spring finds the Pink Ti-tree, Heartshaped Leaf Eucalyptus, melaleuca, acacia, grevillea, hakea, calothamnus, eremophilia, cassia, Quandongs Sandalwood, and the native orchids flowering. Later into October and November the Kunzia pulchella and One-sided Bottlebrush flower profusely. Many birds inhabit the area.